The Captains Of Industry is a hipster haven. Hipster seems to have gone ballistic with even tv shows now documenting its existence. Can something so mainstream actually be regarded as hip? I digress.
The Captains Of Industry warehouse environment |
In a way, the Captains Of Industry kind of fulfills all that is hipster. It's a nice warehouse environment, it has cool things around the place, its kind of industrial and you kind of have to seek it out.
Industrial Feel |
Keep in mind there are hipper places around (based on headcount) but the Captains Of Industry is still doing a fine business. Personally, I like that it isn't too packed. You can take it all in and not feel rushed to let someone else enjoy the place. However, does the Captains Of Industry really fulfill its core requirement of great food and cofee?
Well, on the food front I'd say it tries to have a bit of that New York vibe if you know what I mean.
Overall, I wouldn't say the food is exceptional. It's good but not great.
Burger time |
Personally, I think the Captains Of Industry probably underdelivers on its premise. I like the environment and I do like to go to cool places but the food never reaches exceptional.
Shoes abound |
However, despite all this if I was in the vicinity and felt like a coffee or worked nearby I can imagine myself coming here and enjoying the atmosphere. It's not perfect but what is?
Captains Of Industry
Food Type: Western
Telephone: (03) 9670 4405
Address: Level 1, 2 Somerset Place, Melbourne VIC 3000
Rating: 3.5 stars
Would I go again: Yes
Would I recommend to a friend: Yes
Reviewed By: Howie Be
Coffee machine |